
At Monkex, we value strong partnerships and believe that working together is the key to success. Our partners play a critical role in helping us deliver the best possible products and services to our users. In this section, you'll find information about the companies and organizations we work with, as well as the benefits of partnering with Monkex. If you're interested in becoming a Monkex partner, we'd love to hear from you. Please reach out to us at to learn more about our partnership opportunities.

Our valuable Partners

VAST - The metaverse where you belong. Innovative, fun ways to connect hop aboard a spaceship with friends to explore the galaxy, play games, shop and more. Reputation Power and Identity Level up with Soulbound Tokens (SBTs) as you earn achievements and badges over time. SUSHI - SushiSwap is a decentralized exchange that processes token swaps and yield farming through an Automated Market Maker (AMM) smart contract. 4DPFP - Bring your NFT to metaverse. NUVO - The NUVO reputation system, which will first deploy on Metis, is unified by the common thread of the Metis Andromeda Smart L2, which can verify the truthfulness of interactions and activity using Ethereum's security. Composable and portable reputation is key to fostering new forms of interaction and economic activity. CERUS - Powering Web3 Decentralized Verifier and Sequencer Nodes The centralized front-end to ever-expanding decentralized infrastructure for various blockchains. This ecosystem of Verifier and Sequencer nodes pays rewards to the protocol and it's community. TOFUNFT - is the largest multichain NFT marketplace lives on 30+ EVM-compatible public chains, focused on GameFi. Enjoy exploring & trading with your buddies! HERA - is the key liquidity aggregator, offering the widest range of tokens and the best route discovery between any token pairs. NETSWAP - launched as the first DEX and leading on Metis Andromeda, and released important features for a decentralized network such as Swapping, Staking, and Yield Farming.

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