Monkex Coffee Shop Club

The first Decentralized Autonomous Community (DAC) powered by Metis Andromeda network.

What is Monkex?

Allow us to introduce you to the Monkex Coffee Shop Club, a thriving community-driven project located on the Metis Andromeda network. Launched on July 1st, 2022, we arrived on Andromeda with a mission to shake things up and transform the way degens engage on-chain.

Monkex TokenMonkex NFT

Quick review

The Monkex Coffee Shop Club is more than just a community, it's a place where individuals from all walks of life can come together to share their love for the digital world. Our goal is to bring Pirapes together and to build a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone can thrive.


Good to know: Monkex were airdropped for free for all Metis NFT holders before 1st. of July 2022.

Code of Pirapes 🏴‍☠️

1. Equal Voting Rights

Every Pirape shall have an equal vote in all matters of the moment; every member shall have an equal claim to newly minted tokens or assets. In times of scarcity, all Pirapes shall vote on a fair redistribution.

2. Fair Share of Loot

Every Pirape shall be included fairly in distributions of crypto treasures. If any member defrauds the community of even a single token, they shall face severe consequences. Honesty and fairness are paramount.

3. No Gambling

No Pirape shall gamble with community funds or assets. The prosperity of Monkex relies on the responsible management of our shared treasures.

4. Lights Out Rule

Digital discussions and activities shall cease at a specified hour each night. Those who wish to continue shall do so in designated after-hours channels.

5. Keep Your Wallets Ready

Every Pirape shall keep their digital wallets, private keys, and security measures up-to-date and in excellent condition, ready for any opportunity or challenge.

6. No Bots or Spammers Allowed

No bots or spammers shall be allowed among the Pirapes. Any member found deploying bots or engaging in spam will be banned from the community.

7. Loyalty and Commitment

Desertion in times of a market crash or project downturn is unacceptable. True Pirapes stand by their community through calm seas and storms alike.

8. Disputes Settled Fairly

No digital quarrels shall disrupt the harmony of our community. Disputes shall be settled in designated channels, with mediators ensuring fair resolutions. No flaming or trolling will be tolerated.

9. Compensation for Contributions

No Pirape shall discuss leaving the project until each has earned a significant share. Any Pirape who contributes significantly and sustains losses shall receive compensation from the community fund.

10. Rest Days

Designated rest days shall be observed where no official business is conducted, allowing Pirapes to relax and recharge. Special events and activities shall be planned for these days to maintain engagement and camaraderie.

Monkex is community based project on Metis Andromeda network.

Guides: Jump right in

Follow our handy guides to get started on the basics as quickly as possible:

How to buy

Fundamentals: Dive a little deeper

Learn the fundamentals of Monkex to get a deeper understanding:

Deflation and TaxesTokenomicsMonkex TreasuryWrapped Monkex

Please note that any information or materials related to projects, including Monkex, should not be considered financial or investment advice. Any decision to participate in or invest in a project, including Monkex, should be made at the user's own risk, after conducting independent research and consulting with a financial advisor. The information contained in this project and related materials is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon for investment or financial purposes. The user assumes all responsibility for any losses or damages incurred as a result of participating in or investing in the project. By using this project and its related materials, the user agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the project and its creators from any and all claims or damages arising from the use of the information contained herein.

Last updated